
About Me|关于我

Ruoxi Chen 【陈若汐】


I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Texas (LMFT #203227), Massachusetts (#1910-MH-MF), Louisiana (LMFT #1254), and Florida (LMFT Out-of-State Telehealth Provider, #204), and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Louisiana (LPC #6403) and Georgia (LPC #012443). I am also a Certified Child Custody Evaluator (CCCE #000030), a Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator (CFMHE #000142), and an American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor. In addition, I am an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) trained therapist, and a full member of several professional organizations.

In addition to working with clients in my private practice, I am a tenured associate professor of marriage and family therapy with over 20 referred academic publications. I currently serve on editorial boards of academic journals and as an ad hoc reviewer for multiple premier academic journals in the fields of family studies, mental health, and psychology.



Licenses, Certifications, and other relevant experience|所持执照、认证、及其它相关经历

德克萨斯州:婚姻家庭咨询师【LMFT #203227】


路易斯安那州:婚姻家庭咨询师【LMFT #1254】;心理咨询师【LPC #6403】

乔治亚州:心理咨询师【LPC #012443】

佛罗里达州:婚姻家庭咨询师—电话/视频咨询【LMFT Out-of-State Telehealth Provider #204】



子女监护权评估员【CCCE #000030】

涉法心理健康状况评估员【CFMHE #000142】


Virginia Tech|维吉尼亚理工大学
2013, Ph.D., Marriage and Family Therapy|博士(婚姻家庭咨询)

Northwestern University|西北大学
2010, M.S., Marital and Family Therapy|理学硕士(婚姻家庭咨询)

Fudan University|复旦大学
2008, B.A., Chinese Literature|文学学士(中国文学)

Fudan University|复旦大学
2008, LL.B. (Second Degree)|法学学士(第二学位)

Selected Publications|学术期刊发表论文选摘

Chen, R. (2020). Social support as a protective factor moderating the effect of grief reactions on depression for bereaved single older adults. Death Studies.

Chen, R., Fussell, C.*, Austin, J. P., May, S. E.*, & Wang, Q. (2020). How therapists should work with infertile couples: A literature review. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy.

Chen, R., Austin, J. P., Sutton, J. P., Twiford, T., & Fussell, C. (2019). Burnout prevention and coping: What can marriage and family therapists in agency settings do? Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 30, 204-220

Chen, R. & Austin, J. P. (2019). Depression as a moderator and a mediator of marital quality’s effect on self-rated physical health. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 83, 50-54.

Chen, R., & Busby, D. (2019). Family of origin experiences on relationship satisfaction: A mediation model. Journal of Family Therapy, 41, 80-101.

Chen, R., Austin, J. P., Hughes, A. C., & May, S. E. (2019). The way in: Most effective ways to draw potential applicants to MFT master’s programs. Contemporary Family Therapy, 41, 47-55.

Chen, R., Austin, J. P., & Hughes, A. C. (2018). An eye on the future: Promoting MFT master’s programs to potential applicants. Contemporary Family Therapy, 40, 153-163.

Chen, R., Hughes, A. C., & Austin, J. P. (2017). The use of theory in family therapy research: Content analysis and update. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43, 514-525.

Chen, R., Piercy, F. P., & Miller, J. K. (2017). A cross-cultural mate selection study of Chinese and American men and women. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVIII, 243-260.

Chen, R., Piercy, F. P., Huang, W., Jaramillo-Sierra, A. L., Karimi, H., Chang, W., Palit, M., Martosudarmo, C., & Antonio, A. (2017). A cross-national study of therapists’ perceptions and experiences of dropout: A preliminary report. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 28, 269-284.

Chen, R., & Austin, J. P. (2017). The effect of external influences on mate selection necessity traits: Cross-cultural comparisons of Chinese and American men and women. Marriage & Family Review, 53, 246-261.

Chen, R., Piercy, F. P., Miller, J. K., & Austin, J. P. (2017). Chinese and American individuals’ mate selection pressures: Self-focused vs. mated focused. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVIII, 97-112.

Chen, R., Austin, J. P., Miller, J. K., & Piercy, F. P. (2015). Chinese and American participants’ mate selection criteria: Updates, modifications, and extensions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 101-118.

Chen, R. (2015). Weaving individualism into collectivism: Chinese adults’ evolving relationship and family values. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVI, 167-179.

Chen, R. (2012). Narrative therapy for Chinese adults raised as an only child. Contemporary Family Therapy, 34, 104-111.